Chief’n Chat
A podcast series conducted by interviews covering topics such as inspiring careers, extravagant experiences, personal hardships, and many more with a goal to share stories and make connections. With special episodes titled Chief’n Chat, which will be segments recorded during a 4/20 friendly smoking session! A reminder to you all to boost up others about their successes and show genuine interest in their stories.
Chief’n Chat
Chief’n Chat: Musical Career of Andrei Milosevic
Alex Kraut
Episode 1
Chief’n Chat segment!
(Musical Career will be a series of a few episodes featuring different guests and genres)
Special guest Andrei Milosevic from the band Makena talks about his musical upbringings and career.
Check out their band's Youtube channel and subscribe!
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChhAqSIjCyMDlwlpiVxrzuA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/makenaband/